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HER Young Scientist Award 2024 - Competition launched!

  • HER Event
  • Hydrogen Event
HER Young Scientist Award 2024 - Competition launched!
19 · 06 · 24

The Young Scientist Award, hosted annually by Hydrogen Europe Research, is designed to honor promising young researchers (35 years old or younger) affiliated with our member organisations. These individuals have made significant personal contributions to hydrogen-related projects. Through this competition, Hydrogen Europe Research seeks to spotlight the efforts of students, PhD candidates, postdoctoral fellows, and young researchers while fostering their participation in Clean Hydrogen Partnership projects. Additionally, the aim is to attract emerging talent to the hydrogen and fuel cell sector.

Like previous years, the 2024 competition will focus on four key pillars aligned with the framework of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. One young scientist will be recognised within each pillar, and an additional one will be elected the “Best Researcher of the Year,” resulting in a total of five awards.

Research endeavors may include fundamental studies, practical applications, and analytical investigations across various categories, including:

  • Hydrogen production
  • Hydrogen storage and distribution
  • Hydrogen usages
  • Cross-Cutting activities (such as safety, Regulations Codes and Standards or education)

The award ceremony will take place in person in Brussels, at Brussels Expo, during the Hydrogen Week 2024 (18-22 November).

  1. Eligibility criteria

Candidates must carry out their research within a Hydrogen Europe Research member organisation.

Eligible applicants must be researchers of 35 years old or younger at the time of application submission (applicants can apply up until the day before their 36th birthday).

They must showcase their individual involvement in at least one hydrogen-related project.

Additionally, participation in FCH JUs projects is a plus, with measurable evidence such as presentations at Programme Review Days, international conferences, or national conferences focusing on FCH JU project topics, listed in order of decreasing priority.

  1. Statement of Research

Young scientists must submit a Statement of Research that reflects their own thoughts and ideas. This Statement should be written in clear, straightforward language, avoiding technical jargon to ensure comprehension by individuals who have a hydrogen and fuel cell background but are not familiar with the specific research area.

The Statement of Research should be concise, not exceeding three pages in length, including any figures. The minimum font size allowed is 12 points, and margins should be at least 25 mm (top, bottom, left, right).

The Statement should also contain a brief abstract of the research, details on the method of approach, and an explanation of the potential significance of the results. Up to three relevant documents (such as papers, reports, deliverables, or patents) may be attached.

  1. Application package

A complete application package should include the following:

✓ The application form (download it below!)

✓ A Statement of Research,

✓ Two letters of recommendations.

  1. Prize

The four winners will receive 1000 Eur each, a trophy and a recognition certificate. The Best Researcher of the Year will receive 1000 Eur, a trophy and a recognition certificate.

  1. Submission deadline

A complete application package must be submitted no later than 27 September 2024 to the following email address:

  1. Tax Reporting Requirements

As a non-profit organization, we are legally obligated to maintain complete transparency in our annual financial reports submitted to tax authorities. This transparency includes reporting the full name and address of any award recipients.

Therefore, to ensure accurate reporting, we kindly request that you share your full address information as you receive the award.

  1. Data Privacy and Security:

We understand the importance of data privacy and take it very seriously. Your address will be stored securely in accordance with GDPR regulations. Only authorized personnel with a legitimate business need to access the information, such as myself and the president, will have access for the sole purpose of tax reporting. We will retain your address information only for the legally required period for tax purposes, after which it will be securely deleted.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.