Our Executive Board
The Executive Board manages the business of the association. There are 10 elected Board members: the President, the Vice-President and Treasurer, the Chair for External Affairs and 7 Technical Committee (TC) leaders following the activities of each TCs in the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.
They are elected for a two-year mandate and the last elections took place in June 2024.
The Board meets monthly to discuss the activities of the association.

Luigi Crema

Christian Sattler
Vice-President and Treasurer

Jakub Kupecki
Chair for External Affairs

Julie Mougin
Hydrogen Production

Ekain Fernandez
Hydrogen Distribution

Steffen Moller-Holst

Viviana Cigolotti
Heat & Power and Industry

Javier Dufour
Cross-Cutting Activities

Ludwig Jörissen
Supply Chain

Guillermo Figueruelo
Hydrogen Valleys