University of Oulu

University of Oulu
Pentti Kaiteran katu 1 P.O.Box 8000 FI-90014 University of Oulu
The University of Oulu is an international science university that fosters new knowledge, well-being, and innovations for the future through research and education. Founded in 1958, it is one of the biggest and most multidisciplinary universities in Finland.
The University of Oulu is part of several EU partnerships and a valid member of many other European and global-level networks, such as ESTEP, Process4Planet, and Clean Hydrogen Alliance. It also has a proven track record of participating in the EU Framework programmes; in the Horizon 2020 programme, the University of Oulu has altogether 117 approved projects.
Their activities in the area of hydrogen and fuel cell technology comprise of hydrogen production through novel photocatalytic materials; materials research for hydrogen-based processes; effects of hydrogen-based processes on materials performance; use of hydrogen in industrial processing (e.g. hydrogen reduction).