Hydrogen Europe Research General Assembly – May 25
- HER Event

On May 25 we held our General Assembly in Prague, Czech Republic, hosted by the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (UCT Prague). The meeting took place in a hybrid format, both online and in-person, and saw the participation of more than 110 participants from 26 countries across Europe. During the General Assembly, Hydrogen Europe Research presented a Board’s activities update, welcomed 8 new members, promoted its communications, policy and skills activities together with news from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, and anticipated some projects for the next future.
The Board Election also took place during the General Assembly: a warm welcome to Viviana Cigolotti, from ENEA (Italy), and Daria Vladikova, from ISTD/BAS (Bulgaria), who were respectively elected Heat & Power and Industry Technical Committee Leader and Chair of External Affairs!
Congrats also to the other re-elected Board members: Laurent Antoni (CEA), Christian Sattler (DLR), Ekain Fernandez (Tecnalia), Luigi Crema (FBK), Steffen Møller-Holst (SINTEF), Ludwig Jörissen (ZSW), Olaf Jedicke (KIT) and Guillermo Figueruelo Malo (FHA)!
We thank our members for a very successful meeting! Our next General Assembly is foreseen to take place in Brussels in a hybrid format during the European Hydrogen Week in October.