Our Executive Board

The Executive Board manages the business of the association. There are 10 elected Board members: the President, the Vice-President and Treasurer, the Chair for External Affairs and 7 Technical Committee (TC) leaders following the activities of each TCs in the Clean Hydrogen Partnership.


They are elected for a two-year mandate and the last elections took place in June 2024.


The Board meets monthly to discuss the activities of the association.

Luigi Crema

Luigi Crema


Christian Sattler

Christian Sattler

Vice-President and Treasurer

Jakub Kupecki

Jakub Kupecki

Chair for External Affairs

Julie Mougin

Julie Mougin

Hydrogen Production

Ekain Fernandez

Ekain Fernandez

Hydrogen Distribution

Steffen Moller-Holst

Steffen Moller-Holst


Viviana Cigolotti

Viviana Cigolotti

Heat & Power and Industry

Javier Dufour

Javier Dufour

Cross-Cutting Activities

Ludwig Jörissen

Ludwig Jörissen

Supply Chain

Guillermo Figueruelo

Guillermo Figueruelo

Hydrogen Valleys